i found the hunt i want. how do i download it?
first off, make sure you are iTunes compatible on your mobile device. if you do not have iTunes, you can download it here.
once in iTunes, search for "Seattle Scavengers" in the App store and click "Get". once the app is installed, click on your hunt. In-app purchasing will let you purchase your hunts individulally.
how long do these hunts take?
this question is really up to you. if you love a challenge and dash through it, you can most likely finish a hunt in around 2 hours. if you would like to take your time and visit the beautiful sites the hunts take you through along the way, budget around 4 hours per hunt.
what times are best to start our hunt?
we recommend starting all hunts by 4 pm to ensure that all the clue locations will be accessible. don't want to get stuck at a locked door!
we want to hunt but don't have enough time to finish today. can we return and complete our challenge at a later time?
of course! take as much time as you need and your purchased hunt will let you continue where you left off even after closing the app.
i am an android user. how can i find the app?
unfortunatley, Seattle Scavengers app is not available for use for androids yet. it will be quite soon, we promise! in the meantime, grab an old ipod or bring along a compatible friend!
how big should my group be?
are you close friends and ok with pressing faces against each other to view the screen simultaneously? if so, you can get away with 4 to 5 hunters per app purchase. otherwise, we recommend having 1 person download the app between every 3 people. yes, unfortunately that means you will have to purchase the hunt for each device.
Frequently Asked Questions